iOS App上架AppStore三步曲之第三步:发布到AppStore
所属分类:ios | 发布于 2023-02-11
选择My Apps
设置App Information
在左侧General菜单下有App Information子菜单,这里可以设置App的基本信息和本地化(多语言)信息
App Information
This information is used for all platforms of this app. Any changes will be released with your next app version.
1、Localizable Information
The name will be reviewed before it is made available on the App Store.
在App Store上显示的标题,在App Store上提供名称之前,将对其进行审核。
The subtitle will be reviewed before it is made available on the App Store.
在App Store上显示的副标题,同样的需要苹果的审核才能使用。
2、General Information
2.1、Bundle ID
2.3、Apple ID
2.4、Primary Language
The Primary Language will be immediately made available on App Store.
2.6、Content RIghts
2.7、Age Rating
3、App-Specific Shared Secret
4、Additional Information
4.1、View on App Store
4.2、Edit User Access
4.3、Remove App
iOS App
左侧iOS App菜单下面列出了当前的app版本,比如我的1.0 Prepare for Submission,右侧就是当前版本的基本信息
1、Version Information
The product page for this app version will be published on the App Store with the assets and metadata below.
2、iOS Previews and Screenshots 预览图和屏幕快照
Adding screenshots for the newest devices can help you accurately represent your app's user experience on the App Store. Keep in mind that we'll use these screenshots for all iOS device sizes and localizations. Screenshots are only required for iOS apps.
可以上传三张App Previews和10张Screenshots
2.1、Promotional Text
Promotional text lets you inform your App Store visitors of any current app features without requiring an updated submission. This text will appear above your description on the App Store for customers with devices running iOS 11 or later, and macOS 10.13 or later.
A description of your app, detailing features and functionality.
Include one or more keywords that describe your app. Keywords make App Store search results more accurate. Separate keywords with an English comma, Chinese comma, or a mix of both.
2.4、Support URL
A URL with support information for your app. This URL will be visible on the App Store.
2.5、Marketing URL(optional)
A URL with marketing information about your app. This URL will be visible on the App Store.
The version number of the app you are adding. Numbering should follow software versioning conventions.
The name of the person or entity that owns the exclusive rights to your app, preceded by the year the rights were obtained (for example, "2008 Acme Inc."). Do not provide a URL.
3、App Clip
4、iMessage App
5、Apple Watch
7、App Review Information
7.1、Sign-In Information
This is a user name and password we can use to sign in to your app, so we can review all of its features. If users sign in using social media, provide information for an account we can use. Credentials must be valid and active for duration of review.
7.2、Contact Information
The person in your organization who should be contacted if the App Review team has any questions or needs additional information.
Additional information about your app that can help during the review process. Include information that may be needed to test your app, such as app-specific settings.
You can attach specific app documentation, demo videos, and other items to help prevent delays during the app review process. Make sure you use files with the following extensions: .pdf, .doc, .docx, .rtf, .pages, .xls, .xlsx, .numbers, .zip, .rar, .plist, .crash, .jpg, .png, .mp4, or .avi.
8、Version Release
Manually release this version
Automatically release this version
Automatically release this version after App Review, no earlier than